Slab Decontamination
IFPC Land offers oil removal services as part of our commitment to the total flooring system. We continually research, evaluate, and prototype new components of the flooring and protective coating process. IFPC Land proudly uses the Oil Buster System (OBS), an economical, 2-part oil removal system and containment process for contaminated concrete floors.
OBS uses a solvent-free spray-on detergent to remove oil and other contaminates that have penetrated the concrete, followed by a 100% solids, low VOC epoxy coating to contain any remaining oil in the concrete. The cleaning and coating applications can take place in sections, which allows for work without causing disruption to building activities. Because floors can be contaminated to a depth of several inches, IFPC Land uses OBS to deep-clean and coat these floors layer by layer, exposing surface voids for subsequent deep cleaning. Once decontaminated, any type of floor covering such as another epoxy, carpet, VCT, or hardwood can be applied on top.
This oil removal system is ideal for situations that involve processes with any hydrocarbons such as sugar or oil, which are bond breakers.
We welcome all inquiries regarding this state-of-the-art system.
Case Studies
Services Old Dominion University
ODU was experiencing significant problems with its floors. IFPC technicians resolved the issues through decontamination using the OBS to lay a new floor for the university.
500SF - Completed in 2013.
In the medical supply area, IFPC decontaminated the slab suffering from seepage through six previous coatings. The IFPC specialists could lay new epoxy on top of a new clean surface quickly after that.
International Flooring & Protective Coatings, Inc.
4675 E Princess Anne Rd.
Norfolk, VA 23502. 757-855-5286
[email protected]